Middletown’s desire to become more bike- and pedestrian-friendly was jump-started when the Mid-State Regional Planning Agency (now the Lower CT River Council of Governments, or “RiverCOG”) selected Middletown to receive $800,000 in federal transportation funds for construction of a 3 mile multi-use trail from downtown, through Wesleyan University, adjacent to Long Lane and Long Hill Road to the soccer fields on Long Hill Road just north of Randolph Road. The Jonah Center was designated the “project advocate” for this trail and remains deeply involved in the details of its design and construction.
The proposed route of this trail has changed since the projected originated. Now, instead of following Long Lane north of Wadsworth Street, the trail will follow Wadsworth Street easterly from Long Lane to Pine Street, and then north along the west side of Pine Street to a point near the Wesleyan campus. To see the original route and changed route (in pink) click on the link below.
Long Lane Multi-Use Trail orig & alt routes
Because the original amount of the grant was reduced by the U.S. Congress in 2012 from $800,000 to $400,000, additional funds needed to be appropriated by the City. Now the design work is complete and the project should solicit construction bids early in 2018.