24,000 Pounds of Water Chestnut Removed

Shown above is Patch C in Pecausett Pond, before and after our evening work party in June,

This summer, Jonah Center volunteers and field workers removed approximately 24,000 pounds of invasive water chestnut plants from the Floating Meadows (Mattabesset River), Pecausett Pond, and the Connecticut River between Rocky Hill and Middle Haddam.

We thank the CT River Conservancy for their support on Saturday morning “Paddles With A Purpose, loaner kayaks, and help recruiting volunteers. 2024 was our most productive year so far. In the last 2 years we have managed to go beyond preventing the infestation from getting worse. At last we are making progress in reducing it each year, making the waters progressively more suitable for the birds and fish who live there.

Every paddler who spent a couple of hours in a “Paddle With A Purpose” event helped the cause. Some paddlers went out on multiple paddles and even brought friends and family members along. Our volunteer motorboat operators (who also did the hard work of disposing of the plants) were essential to this progress. And of course, our financial supporters, who made it possible for us to hire 4 summer field workers, helped enormously. Many paddlers described it as a fun, social, and even spiritual activity to help the environment.