Have You Saved Money on Home Energy?

Remember our “Power Moves” article, where we shared ways to cut energy costs? Have you tried any of those ideas?  

 If you’ve successfully lowered your energy bills, we want to hear your success story! 

Please send us a message through the Contact Page on our website. Just give us the best way to contact you, and we’ll reach out to hear the full details. 

 Why is your story important? 

  1.  People who have saved money by getting home energy audits (Home Energy Solutions) and switching to heat pumps or solar power can inspire others to do the same. Right now, there are free or low-cost ways to make these changes! 
  2.  Climate change impacts everyone, but it hits people with less money the hardest. Energy efficiency and clean energy offer a powerful double win: saving money and combating climate change, ensuring a healthier future for everyone. 
  3.  Taking advantage of energy efficiency programs requires time, effort, and sometimes an initial investment. Sharing your tips with neighbors can save them both time and money. 

Let’s empower each other. While broader policy changes and support are also needed, our collective action has an impact.