Pictured from left to right: Tracy Babbidge, Interim Deputy Commissioner of DEEP; Mayor Ben Florsheim; State Senator Matt Lesser; Katie Dykes, Commissioner of DEEP; Chris Holden, Middletown Director of Public Works. The orange (bag for food waste) and green bag (for other trash) in the center will be used for the co-collection pilot project.
The City of Middletown has received a state grant of $350,000 for a one-year pilot project on curbside food-waste collection in Middletown’s Sanitation District. Now we need citizens (whether we live in the Sanitation District or not) to learn about this program, help make it successful, and advocate for its continuation.
At a special Ecoin Zoom meeting on October 19, Kristen Brown from Waste Zero, a solid waste consulting company, explained the details of the program and its important role in solving our solid-waste problem in Connecticut. A recording of the meeting is available here. The Passcode is: #G3$3H4Y