Water chestnut work parties are fun, social activities. They are also a hands-on opportunity to save an ecosystem from being choked to death by floating invasive plants that damage habitat for fish and birds.
The Jonah Center is seeking to fill 4 part-time seasonal (May – August) field work positions to remove invasive water chestnut plants in the Floating Meadows. The positions are 1 Field Work Coordinator and 3 Field Workers.
The Field Work Coordinator will organize and lead volunteer work parties on weekend mornings and lead Field Workers in additional work parties during the week. Field Workers will assist volunteers in making outings productive, enjoyable, and safe for all involved. Kayaks will be provided for use by field workers who need one.
Physical strength, fitness, a driver’s license, access to a vehicle, and the ability to swim are required for both positions. Paddling experience is desired for Field Workers. Paddling experience and the ability to operate (or be trained to operate) a small motorboat is required for the Field Work Coordinator. Schedule flexibility is required for both positions since this work depends on water level, tides, and weather.
The job description, compensation, and qualifications for the Field Work Coordinator may be downloaded here: Job description Field Work Coordinator
The job description, compensation, and qualifications for Field Workers may be downloaded here: Job description Field Worker
Application forms for either position or both may be obtained by sending a request to the Jonah Center using the Contact form on our website.