20th Anniversary Forest & Garden Party

The Jonah Center Board invites you to help celebrate our 20th Anniversary at our Forest and Garden Party on Saturday, June 22 from 3:00 to 5:00 PM at the South Middletown home of Jon Morris and Pam Frost.

Over the past 14 years, they have transformed their thirty-acre property into a beautiful and inspiring model of sustainable living, with highly productive vegetable gardens, fruit trees, a woodlot that they harvest selectively and keep free of invasive plants, a solar-heated swimming pool, perennial borders, solar panels, and decorative use of stone and wood.

Come to enjoy the company of others as well as several optional activities: a short walk in the forest to witness the success of forest management as well as the effects of disease and climate change; a sawmill demonstration, including how the lumber was used in building projects around the property; and a garden tour. Delicious, healthy refreshments, wine, beer, and non-alcoholic beverages will be served.

You may purchase a ticket to the event by making a $20 per person on-line payment (to defray expenses)  through our “Donation” link here. Space is limited to 40 persons.  If you prefer to pay by check, send us a message with the words “Garden Party” through our “Contact” link and then mail a check to The Jonah Center, 555 Main Street, Portland CT 06480. Once your payment is received, we will provide the address and directions to the site of the party, along with parking information. We will give special recognition to those who come by bicycle or in a vehicle containing at least 3 people.  (Rain date June 23)

We look forward to seeing you there!