Wanted: Volunteers To Help With Street Tree Inventory

By Chris Donnelly

The City of Middletown’s Urban Forestry Commission is conducting a street tree inventory. This effort is being funded by a grant from CT DEEP. Professionals have been contracted to inventory the trees. However, we need volunteers willing to survey potential street tree planting sites. Are you interested in helping? Here are the basic details:


For the tree-planting site survey, volunteers will visit selected streets within the city, walking along these streets to identify potential tree planting sites and to record these sites on their smart phones. A mobile app will be provided at no cost. The planting sites will be selected based on simple criteria. The proposed sites will then be uploaded to a central database.

Detailed knowledge of trees or computer software is not required. A half-hour training session on Zoom in early to mid-November will teach volunteers all they need to know. Collecting the data should take no more than a minute or so per tree-planting site. We hope each volunteer will be able to spend about 2 hours over a period of about 2 weeks, walking along local streets. This activity will gather valuable information for the Urban Forestry Commission and will be interesting and educational for the volunteers.

To receive notification about the Zoom Meeting, please send an email to Chris Donnelly at cmdonnelly.northford@gmail.com.

During this meeting, we will also provide further information about the street tree inventory and how we hope to make use of it.

This effort is being led by the Middletown Urban Forestry Commission