We Need Our Readers’ Support

We thank everyone who has supported our Annual  Appeal for 2024.  We still have a ways to go, however.  If you value the progress we have made in improving bike and pedestrian infrastructure, planting trees, and building a network of environmental advocates, please make a donation here.  Watch our new project video on our Wildlife Viewing Trail in Middletown’s North End.


Middletown Night Life

Video captured several nights in September and October, 2023, by Phil LeMontagne

During the day it takes some luck to see the nocturnal animals which live all around us. Night time is when they are active. Always searching for food, a variety of nocturnal animals visit our compost pile and a ground mounted bird feeder in the backyard. The images were taken in infrared light. A structure located behind the retina called the tapetum lucidum give nocturnal animals better night vision and causes their eyes to glow when light strikes them in the dark.