Historic Oak Tree Saved

This summer, the Town of Portland constructed almost 1 mile of new sidewalk along Main Street, replacing the uneven and broken sidewalks between Arvid Street and Gildersleeve School. Before construction began, John Hall expressed concern about the danger that excavation would present to the roots of a majestic pin oak tree. With the support of residents Beau and Holly Doherty, Portland’s First Selectman Ryan Curley, and Director of Public Works Ryan O’Halpin, the original construction plan was modified to save this historic shade tree.

Making Our Streets Safer For Pedestrians & Bicyclists

We thank all who responded to the Jonah Center’s February 2024 survey on Automated Traffic Enforcement Safety Devices (ATESDs) also known as speed and red-light cameras. We submitted to the City of Middletown the list of names and addresses of those in favor of using this technology to make our streets safer Read more about the issue here. Middletown’s Police Department is supportive of this technology to improve road safety and is proposing an ordinance change to allow its use. Continue reading

24,000 Pounds of Water Chestnut Removed

Shown above is Patch C in Pecausett Pond, before and after our evening work party in June,

This summer, Jonah Center volunteers and field workers removed approximately 24,000 pounds of invasive water chestnut plants from the Floating Meadows (Mattabesset River), Pecausett Pond, and the Connecticut River between Rocky Hill and Middle Haddam. Continue reading